English Polski
Vol 33, No 61 (2023): Continuous Publishing
Review paper
Published online: 2024-06-05

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Treatment of drooling in children and adolescents with neurological disorders

Malwina Bocianiak1, Barbara Steinborn1
Neurol Dziec 2023;33(61):30-34.


Drooling (sialorrhea) is excessive loss of saliva from the mouth. It is mainly caused by impaired swallowing of saliva. Severe drooling is a common, worrying problem in children and adolescents with neurological disorders, which has negative health and social consequences. The treatment of drooling is a complicated and long-term process that requires the appropriate cooperation of many specialists. The choice of therapy depends on child’s intelectual developement, its ability to cooperate and the cause of drooling. The most effective treatment is speech therapy. Pharmacological treatment  and surgical interventions should be considered in specific cases in patients with moderate to severe drooling or patients with respiratory complications. Currently, the only registered drug for the treatment of severe sialorrhea in children and adolescents from 3 years of age with chronic neurological disorders is glycopyrronium bromide.

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