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Vol 34, No 62 (2024): Continuous Publishing
Research paper
Published online: 2025-01-24

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Efficacy of nusinersen treatment in type 1, 2, and 3 spinal muscular atrophy: real-world data from a single-center study

Anna Lemska1, Piotr Ruminski1, Jakub Szymarek1, Sylwia Studzinska2, Maria Mazurkiewicz-Beldzinska1
Neurol Dziec 2024;34(62):25-34.


This article is a reprint of a paper: Lemska A., Ruminski P., Szymarek, J. et al. Efficacy of nusinersen treatment in type 1, 2, and 3 spinal muscular atrophy: real-world data from a single-center study. Neurol. Int. 2024, 16(6): 1266–1278. DOI: 10.3390/neurolint16060096. When citing this work, please refer to the original publication.   Background: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an inherited neuromuscular disease characterized by progressive muscle weakness and atrophy due to the absence of the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) gene. SMA is classified into types 0 through 4 based on the age of symptom onset and the severity of motor function decline. Recent advances in SMA treatment, including nusinersen, onasemnogene abeparvovec, and risdiplam, have significantly improved the prognosis of SMA patients. This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of nusinersen in pediatric patients with SMA types 1, 2, and 3 in a real-world clinical setting. Methods: This prospective observational single-center study assessed the treatment effects of nusinersen in 23 pediatric patients with genetically confirmed SMA over a 22-month observation period. All the participants received intrathecal loading doses of 12 mg of nusinersen on days 1, 14, 28, and 63, followed by maintenance doses every four months. Functional assessments were conducted using the CHOP-INTEND scale. Data were collected during routine patient visits, including clinical laboratory tests and vital sign parameters, and adverse events were recorded. The inclusion criteria were defined by the national reimbursement program for nusinersen treatment in Poland. Results: Initially, 37 patients ranging from 1 month old to 18 years old were included, but 23 were ultimately observed due to changes in treatment regimens or assessment scales. The patients showed significantly improved CHOP-INTEND scores over the 22-month period. At 6 months, the average increase was 4.2 points, continuing to 17.8 points at 22 months. By the end of the study, 100% of patients showed either stabilization or improvement, with significant clinical improvements observed in several patients. Nusinersen was generally well-tolerated, with post-lumbar puncture headache and lower back pain being the most common adverse events. Conclusions: Nusinersen treatment significantly enhances motor function in pediatric patients with SMA types 1, 2, and 3. This study demonstrates the importance of early and sustained treatment, with most patients showing the continuous improvement or stabilization of motor function. These findings support the use of nusinersen as an effective therapy for SMA; however, further research is needed to understand the long-term outcomes and optimize treatment strategies.

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