Vol 31, No 6 (2024)
Image in Cardiovascular Medicine
Published online: 2024-12-31

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A giant seroma inducing changes in the position of the pacemaker

Fabiola Schafer1, Marcos Tapia1, Enrique Bellolio2, Rodrigo Miranda3
Pubmed: 39737599
Cardiol J 2024;31(6):929-930.


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Image in Cardiovascular Medicine

Cardiology Journal

2024, Vol. 31, No. 6, 929–930

DOI: 10.5603/cj.98287

Copyright © 2024 Via Medica

ISSN 1897–5593

eISSN 1898–018X

A giant seroma inducing changes in the position of the pacemaker

Fabiola Schafer1Marcos Tapia1Enrique Bellolio2Rodrigo Miranda3
1Department of Medical Specialties, School of Medicine, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile
2Department of Pathological Anatomy, School of Medicine, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile
3Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile

Address for correspondence: Rodrigo Miranda, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine,
Universidad de La Frontera, 115 Claro Solar Street, Temuco, Chile, tel: 56 45 2325755, e-mail: mirandahermosilla@gmail.com

Date submitted: 21.11.2023 Date accepted: 4.11.2024

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A 72-year-old man with a medical history of aortic and mitral valve prostheses, anticoagulation therapy, and a pacemaker was referred for a large lesion on the pacemaker pocket. He noticed a growing lesion several months after the implantation, which gradually enlarged over a 7-year period. Physical examination revealed a large lesion under tension without erythema, pain, or heat (Fig. 1A). Laboratory tests, including hemogram, CRP, procalcitonin, and blood cultures, were normal. A transesophageal echocardiogram ruled out pacemaker lead and prosthetic valve infections. A series of chest X-rays showed changes in the position of the pulse generator and leads over the years (Fig. 1B–E). Chest-CT scan showed a collection surrounding the device (Fig. 1F). A pocket revision drained 280 mL of a yellowish-brown odorless liquid (Fig. 1G). Histopathological analysis revealed an organized hematoma with fibrotic encapsulation showing hemosiderophages (Fig. 1H). The stains were negative for bacteria and fungi. Tissue, swab, and liquid cultures were negative. The diagnosis of a chronic expanding hematoma, also called a seroma, was made. Long-term follow-up show­ed a favorable evolution.

Figure 1A. A chronic large lesion on the pacemaker pocket; B–E. Changes in the position of the pacemaker and leads over a 7-year period; F. Chest CT scan showed a well-defined heterogeneous and hypodense lesion with liquid density measuring 69 × 60 × 30 mm; G. A pocket revision drained a yellowish-brown odorless liquid; H. Wall of neoformed cavity with fibrosis (asterisk) and a chronic inflammatory infiltrate associated with foci of old and recent hemorrhage (arrow) (H&E, × 25). Histopathological findings revealed a chronic expanding hematoma

Seroma is a rare complication of the pacemaker pocket, which grows slowly over time. The etiology is related to disruption of lymphatic and vascular drainage that leads to transudative fluid collection. Its self-expanding nature is related to a dense capsule with a chronic inflammatory reaction triggered by the irritant effect of blood, which may be exacerbated by anticoagulation therapy, as in our case. The differential diagnosis includes infection, benign tumors, and malignancies. Therefore, a careful evaluation is necessary for appropriate treatment.

Informed consent: Informed consent was obtained from the patient.

Conflict of interests: None to declare.

Funding: None to declare.