Vol 27, No 5 (2020)
Original articles — Clinical cardiology
Published online: 2018-10-16

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The Polish adaptation of the CAMbridge Pulmonary Hypertension Outcome Review (CAMPHOR)

Katarzyna Małaczynska-Rajpold1, Anna Smukowska-Gorynia1, Alice Heaney2, Stephen P. McKenna23, Magdalena Janus1, Aleksander Araszkiewicz1, Stanislaw Jankiewicz1, Sylwia Slawek-Szmyt1, Iga Tomaszewska1, Tatiana Mularek-Kubzdela1
Pubmed: 30338844
Cardiol J 2020;27(5):608-615.


Background: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) results in severely impaired quality of life (QoL) in people with this condition. The CAMbridge Pulmonary Hypertension Outcome Review (CAMPHOR) is the only questionnaire providing a disease-specific measurement of symptoms, functioning and QoL in PH patients. It has already been adapted for use in several countries. The aim of this study was to adapt and validate CAMPHOR for the Polish-speaking population.

Two panels (bilingual and lay) were conducted to translate CAMPHOR into Polish. This new version was then tested by cognitive debriefing interviews with 15 patients. Finally, a postal validation survey was conducted with 56 patients on two occasions 2 weeks apart to assess its psychometric properties.

No problems were experienced in producing a Polish translation of CAMPHOR. Interviewees responded well to the Polish CAMPHOR, finding it relevant, comprehensible and easy to complete. For all three CAMPHOR scales (Symptoms, Activity, QoL), The Cronbach alpha coefficients were above 0.8 at both time points, indicating high internal consistency. Test-retest reliability for the three scales achieved a value above 0.80. Predicted correlations with the Nottingham Health Profile provided evidence of the construct validity of CAMPHOR scales. The Polish CAMPHOR could distinguish between patients who differed according to their perceived general health and perceived disease severity. No significant differences in scores were found between participants grouped by gender or age.

The Polish version of CAMPHOR demonstrated good psychometric properties and is recommended for use in clinical practice.

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