Vol 15, No 4 (2008)
Case Reports
Published online: 2008-05-21
Percutaneous extraction of a coiled, 20-year-old lead in a patient with cardiac resynchronization therapy
Cardiol J 2008;15(4):371-375.
A 61-year-old patient with a 20-year history of permanent pacemaker implantation and half-
-a-year cardiac resynchronization therapy using a left ventricular lead placed via surgical
approach was admitted for extraction of an old coiled right ventricular lead, which triggered
ventricular arrhythmia and created a risk of pulmonary embolism. The lead was extracted via
the left femoral vein in two stages: untying a loop on the lead using a pig-tail catheter and
Dotter basket followed by traction and dissection of adhesions using a Byrd dilator sheath.
Dissection of the old lead from the active right ventricular one posed special technical problems.
Keywords: percutaneous lead extractionpermanent pacing