Vol 15, No 5 (2008)
Review Article
Published online: 2008-08-12
The enigmatic sixth wave of the electrocardiogram: The U wave
Cardiol J 2008;15(5):408-421.
The U wave is the last, inconstant, smallest, rounded and upward deflection of the electrocardiogram.
Controversial in origin, it is sometimes seen following the T wave with the TU
junction along the baseline or fused with it and before P of the following cycle on the TP
segment. In this review we will study its temporal location related to monophasic action
potential, cardiac cycle and heart sounds, polarity, voltage or amplitude, frequency and shapecontour.
We will analyze the clinical significance of negative, alternant, prominent U wave,
and the difference between T wave with two peaks (T1–T2) and true U wave. Finally we will
analyze the four main hypotheses about the source of U wave: repolarization of the intraventricular
conducting system or Purkinje fibers system, delayed repolarization of the papillary
muscles, afterpotentials caused by mechanoelectrical hypothesis or mechanoelectrical feedback,
and the prolonged repolarization in the cells of the mid-myocardium (“M-cells”).
Keywords: U wavesixth wave of electrocardiogramsource hypothesis