Vol 17, No 3 (2010)
Review Article
Published online: 2010-05-28
Assessing QT prolongation and electrocardiography restitution using a beat-to-beat method
Cardiol J 2010;17(3):230-243.
Historically, the heart rate corrected QT (QTc) interval has been the standard method to assess
for impaired ventricular repolarization, particularly for drug development. However, QTc does
not reflect changes in autonomic state or QT-RR hysteresis which can also affect the interpretation
of arrhythmogenic risk. With the advent of more accurate algorithms to automatically
measure the QT interval from continuously collected digital ECG data, usage of heart rate
corrected functions is no longer necessary. The dynamic beat-to-beat QT interval method
compares the QT interval to individual cardiac cycles from all normal autonomic states at
similar RR intervals, thus eliminating the need for correction functions. The upper 97.5%
reference boundary of these beat-to-beat QT interval values is defined across the entire 24-hour
RR interval range. Beats with QT intervals exceeding this limit are flagged as outlier beats for
further arrhythmia vulnerability assessment. The same beat-to-beat technique can also be used
to assess the QT-TQ interval relationship known as ECG restitution. This analysis potentially
provides an additional means to quantify cardiac stress or arrhythmia vulnerability as the
heart works more in relationship to each rest cycle.
(Cardiol J 2010; 17, 3: 230-243)
(Cardiol J 2010; 17, 3: 230-243)
Keywords: QT prolongationautonomic tonerestitutionelectrocardiogrambeat-to-beat