Tom 3, Nr 1 (2018)
Historia onkologii / History of oncology
Opublikowany online: 2018-07-10

dostęp otwarty

Wyświetlenia strony 299
Wyświetlenia/pobrania artykułu 524
Pobierz cytowanie

Eksport do Mediów Społecznościowych

Eksport do Mediów Społecznościowych

Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton (1863–1930) Electrical engineer

Richard F. Mould
Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Onkologicznego Nowotwory 2018;3(1):47-50.


Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton was an electrical engineer, holding memberships of the Institutes of Civil Engine­ering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering; as well being a Fellow of the Royal Society. He was also one of the early non-medical X-ray experimenters and is notable for producing the first X-ray image in the United Kingdom, on 8 January 1896. He was active in the Röntgen Society of London and became its President in 1911–1912. One of his major interests was the theory of television production. Campbell-Swinton ended his scientific career as a consulting engineer in London. This brief biography gives special reference to Campbell-Swinton’s work with X-rays.

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