Opioids used in patient with acute ischaemic cerebral stroke
Ewa Śliwka
Advances in Palliative Medicine 2005;4(4):162-164.
open access
Vol 4, No 4 (2005): Polish Palliative Medicine
Case reports
Published online: 2006-01-02
The 76-years-old patient treated in neurological ward because of acute ischaemic cerebral stroke. His state
was serious with respiratory and consciousness disorders, complete hemiparesis on the left side and
incomplete on the right. After treatment his state was stable. Complete Weber Syndrome on the right side
and incomplete on the left were recognized. Patient was excited, aggressive and disoriented. He was not
able to recognize his relatives. Because of urethra injury he was transfered to urological ward. During
intravenous injection of Pethidine patient suddenly regained consciousness and logical contact with surroundings
lasting several hours. After that he was prescribed morphine MST Continus - one tablet per day
to recognize if his neurological improvement was the result of opioid activity. 15-20 minutes after taking
morphine psychical state of patient was normal for several hours. After 2-4 weeks of this therapy periods of
remission were longer and after 6 weeks patient regained complete mental efficiency.
The 76-years-old patient treated in neurological ward because of acute ischaemic cerebral stroke. His state
was serious with respiratory and consciousness disorders, complete hemiparesis on the left side and
incomplete on the right. After treatment his state was stable. Complete Weber Syndrome on the right side
and incomplete on the left were recognized. Patient was excited, aggressive and disoriented. He was not
able to recognize his relatives. Because of urethra injury he was transfered to urological ward. During
intravenous injection of Pethidine patient suddenly regained consciousness and logical contact with surroundings
lasting several hours. After that he was prescribed morphine MST Continus - one tablet per day
to recognize if his neurological improvement was the result of opioid activity. 15-20 minutes after taking
morphine psychical state of patient was normal for several hours. After 2-4 weeks of this therapy periods of
remission were longer and after 6 weeks patient regained complete mental efficiency.