The role of monoclonal antibodies antiCD30 and antiPD-1 in therapy of relapsed/refractory Hodgkin lymphoma
Despite high curability rate 10–30% Hodgkin lymphoma patients relapse or fail to respond to the first-line therapy. Routine approaches to these patients are salvage chemotherapy and HDT/ASCT. Brentuximab vedotin, conjugated antibody antyCD30, has demonstrated significant anti-tumor activity in HL. This drug has been registered for the treatment of patients who relapse after ASCT or after multiple relapses. Recently there have been very encouraging reports of the efficacy of antiPD-1 in these patients. This article summarizes the possibilities of treatment of relapsed/refractory Hodgkin lymphoma with monoclonal antibodies.
Keywords: Hodgkin lymphomaBrentuximab vedotinNivolumabPembrolizumab