Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of the mucosa of gastrointestinal tract in women with common variable immunodeficiency
The term of common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is encompassing primary immunodeficiency characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia with decrease in level of IgG, IgA or IgM as well as recurrent bacterial infections. CVID very often involve alimentary tract with broad spectrum of symptoms and sings. In this paper the case of women suffering for many years from recurrent diarrhea is presented. Endoscopic examination revealed multiple polyps within duodenum, jejunum and terminal ileum with histopatological features of activated lymphoid nodules. The patient didn't reported a greater preponderance to infections despite immunological profile consistent with CVID.
Keywords: Słowa kluczowe:pospolity zmienny niedobór odpornościguzkowy przerost limfoidalnyhipogammaglobulinemiaCVIDNodular lymphoid hyperplasiaHypogammaglobulinemia