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(Polish and English). Should not exceed 400 words.
The abstract should be followed by 3 to 10 key words or
phrases (Polish and English), in accordance with Medical
Subject Headings Index Medicus if possible.
The papers should not exceed the following limitations:
original — 3000 words, review — 8000 words, case report
— 2000 words, letter — 1000 words. The aforementioned lim-
its do not include abstract, tables and references. Any addi-
tional information and acknowledgements can be placed be-
tween the text and references.
Should be listed and numbered consecutively
according to their appearance in the text (not the alphabetical
Should include: the consecutive reference number,
names of the authors (if there are up to six authors — list all, if
there are seven or more — list three first with annotation
“et al.”), title, journal title (abbreviated in accordance with In-
dex Medicus), year, volume (Arabic numerals), number of the
first and the last page. Please do not use the phrases .in press.,
.in preparation., .oral communication. — they can be used in
the reasonable cases in the text.
Eliasson M, Jansson J, Nilsson P, Asplund K (1997)
Increased levels of tissue plasminogen activator antigen in
essential hypertension. A population-based study in Sweden.
J Hypertens, 15: 349–356.
The consecutive reference number, author, title, the
editor, the place and the year of publication should be given.
Reference to the specific chapter should include: name of the
author and his initials, chapter title, pages, name of the author
(editor) of the book and his initials, the editor, year and place
of publication and pages.
(author is the editor):
Braunwald E (1992) Heart dis-
ease. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia: 393–418.
Example (author and editor are different):
Rosen MR (1992)
Principles of cardiac electrophysiology. In: Kelley WN (ed).
Internal medicine. J.B. Lipipincott Company, Philadelphia:
Tables, figures, photographs
should be black and white,
numbered, send in .jpg, .tif, or .eps. format file (at least 300
dpi resolut ion) along wi th descript ions of the tables,
figures and photographs as well as the captions of tables
and figures (Polish and English). Previously printed visual ma-
terials should be supplied electronically together with the
written consent of the publisher for reprint.
All articles (together with tables, figures and photographs)
should be submitted electronically to the e-mail address of the
(Editor – in – Chief/ Publisher Editor):
All manuscripts should be submitted with the cover letter con-
firming that:
— manuscript has been neither printed nor submitted for print
in any other journal;
— manuscript has been approved by all co-authors, as well
as the
— authorities of the institutions where research was performed
— author(s) consents (consent) to the automatic and
— copyright transfer to the Publisher when manuscript is ac-
cepted for publication;
— all sources of financial support have been disclosed;
— author(s) is (are) familiar with the Editorial Policy and the
Information for Authors issued in
Acta Angiologica
and is
(are) willing to obey them.
The cover letter scheme is available at:
The Editor
Acta Angiologica
Katedra i Klinika Chirurgii Naczyniowej i Angiologii
Collegium Medicum
UMK w Bydgoszczy,
Szpital Uniwersytecki Nr 1 im. dr. Antoniego Jurasza,
ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 9, 85–094 Bydgoszcz
tel.: +48 52 585 40 40, e-mail: