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‘Acta Angiologica’ hereinafter referred to as ‘AA’ or ‘the Jour-
nal’ is a peer-reviewed official journal of the Polish Angiological
Society and the Polish Society for Vascular Surgery. The Jour-
nal publishes review articles, original experimental and clini-
cal investigations in the field of angiology, case reports, let-
ters, book reviews and editorial comments.
The AA editors endorse the principles embodied in the Hel-
sinki Declaration and expect all research involving humans
to be conducted in accordance with these principles. For
animal experimentation reported in the Journal, it is expected
that investigators will have observed the Interdisciplinary Prin-
ciples and Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research,
Testing and Education issued by the New York Academy of
Sciences’ Adhoc Committee on Animal Research. All human
and animal research must gain acceptance of the local ethi-
cal committee, which acceptance should be indicated in the
Submitted manuscripts are evaluated by Editorial Board as to
whether they present educational value and the adequate mode
of presentation. Manuscripts that do not comply with the basic
standards of scientific publication are rejected. The manu-
scripts that are either incomplete or not prepared according
to the rules below will be sent back to the authors without sci-
entific review. Accepted manuscripts are registered and sub-
mitted for the independent review. The acceptance of the
manuscript for print is sent to the authors together with the
reference number which should be used for further corre-
spondence with the Editorial Office.
At the time of submission the authors of research articles are
required to disclose any financial arrangement they may have
with the company whose product has significant impact on the
work delivered or with competing company. These informa-
tion will not be revealed to the reviewers and will not influence
the decision concerning the acceptance of the manuscript.
After the manuscript is accepted for publication the Editorial
Board will usually discuss with the authors the manner in which
the information concerning the financial sources should be
provided to the readers.
By sending the manuscript with figures and charts the author
(authors) declares (declare) it has been neither published nor
submitted to the Editorial Board of any other journal (not in-
cluding the abstracts 400 words or less). Moreover, it is as-
sumed that the copyright for publishing and distribution of the
submitted material (in all known now and developed in the fu-
ture forms and fields of exploitation) are automatically and free-
of-charge transferred to the Publisher, under condition that
those materials are accepted for publication.
The authors accept the fact, that the work will not be published
anywhere and in any language without the prior written con-
sent of the owner of the copyrights, i.e. the Publisher.
Independently to the formerly mentioned effects, author
(authors) due to release form the responsibilities to the third
parties, shall (should) attach the cover letter to the manuscript.
The cover letter shall contain declaration of the author
(authors) confirming formerly described facts and that all
co-authors of the manuscript agree for the publication. Moreo-
ver the author (authors) confirm that they have acquaint them-
selves with the editorial policy in
Acta Angiologica
and they
oblige to respect the policy. The reward for sending the manu-
script is publication in the journal.
The written permission from the previous Publisher for the re-
print should be enclosed to the materials (pictures, photos,
figures, etc.) that have been printed previously. If the data pre-
sented in case reports, figures or in the text enable identifica-
tion of the persons their written consent to the publication should
be enclosed.
Any potential conflict of interest will be dealt with by the local
court specific to the Publisher.
Legal relations between the Publisher and the author(s) are in
accordance with Polish law and with international conventions
binding to Poland. The legal bases to acquiring the copyright
are article 921 section 3 sentence 3 of the civil code in con-
nection with article 50 of the copyright law and related law as
well as the international conventions binding to Poland.
The Editorial Board and the Publisher make continuous efforts
to ensure reliability and accuracy of the information published in
Acta Angiologica
. However, the opinions expressed in the arti-
cles or commercials are published exclusively at the responsibil-
ity of the respective authors, sponsors or advertisers. Thus, nei-
ther the Editorial Board nor the Publisher accept no liability for
the consequences of the use of any inaccurate information. The
drug doses and other quantitative reference values are checked
with the thorough care, however any treatment schemes de-
scribed in
Acta Angiologica
should be used in accordance with
the information about the drug published by the manufacturer.
The text of the manuscript should be written in .doc (MS Word).
Is it advised to you the font size 12 and 1.5 space between the
lines. The manuscript should contain: Title page, Abstract (Polish
and English), Key words (Polish and English), Text (Polish and
English), Acknowledgements (Polish and English), References,
Charts and Figures (description Polish and English). Abbrevia-
tions, if used, should be defined in brackets on their first appear-
ance in the text. The abbreviations, that are not accepted by the
international groups of experts, should be avoided.
Title page
should include the full title of the paper (Polish and
English), a short title (Polish and English) of no more than 40
characters including spaces, full names of the authors, aca-
demic degrees, affiliations, the name, address, phone and fax
numbers as well as e-mail address of the person responsible
for editorial correspondence.
Acta Angiologica
Editorial Policy & Instructions for Authors