Vol 13, No 4 (2007)
Review paper
Published online: 2007-09-26
Atherosclerosis: How far we have gone?
Acta Angiologica 2007;13(4):137-143.
This review will attempt to provide a database of knowledge regarding the atherosclerosis pathology and its
mechanisms in order to better understand the complexity of this process. Atherosclerosis remains a real
problem not only for patients suffering from eg. peripheral arteries disease (PAD) but also for physicians and
researchers as well. Based on the multidisciplinary research that has been carried out, we can see this
process has become more complicated than we saw in the past few decades. The role of angiogenesis, vasa
vasorum, growth factors, dendritic cells, inflammation and/or infection has been noticed.
Keywords: atherosclerosisangiogenesisvasa vasorumgrowth factorsinfectiondendritic cells