Vol 16, No 2 (2010)
Review paper
Published online: 2010-07-13
Mechanisms responsible for reducing intermittent claudication as a result of treadmill training
Acta Angiologica 2010;16(2):49-66.
Intermittent claudication, according to the Fontaine classification, is a classical symptom of stage II peripheral
arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) of the lower limbs. It results from the progression of atherosclerosis
leading to the narrowing and complete occlusion of arteries. It manifests with pain in the muscles of the lower
limbs which forces the patients to interrupt their current activity. Supervised treadmill training is believed to
lead to the most favourable outcomes in the form of improved pain-free walking distance and maximum
walking distance. The improvement in pain related to intermittent claudication and in functional performance
are probably the combined effect of various mechanisms in response to the exercise training. The
most important mechanisms include: improved skeletal muscle metabolism, favourable haemorheologic changes,
delayed progression of atherosclerosis, peripheral blood flow adaptation, improved economics of walking,
and changed perception of pain. The role of these mechanisms and their contribution to the improved functional
performance in this group of patients are not unequivocally established and continue to be disputable.
In this paper we review and discuss the mechanisms responsible for improving walking distance observed
during walking exercises in patients with intermittent claudication.
Acta Angiol 2010; 16, 2: 49-66
Acta Angiol 2010; 16, 2: 49-66
Keywords: atherosclerosisclaudicationtrainingtreadmill