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Vol 6, No 1 (2008)
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Published online: 2008-05-12

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Declaring sexual dysfunction symptoms during the psychotherapy of anxiety disorders

Aleksandra Jodko, Jacek Głowacz, Andrzej Kokoszka
Seksuologia Polska 2008;6(1):26-32.


Background. Despite numerous data concerning prevalence of sexual dysfunctions, their frequency in different mental disorders has no been reliably evaluated. There are no reports on the number of patients experiencing dysfunctions in anxiety disorders who decide to bring the sexuological problem up during psychotherapy. The aim of the study was to probe: how frequent the sexual dysfunctions are in the progress of anxiety disorders and what influences the decision to bring them up during psychotherapy.
Material and methods. The study was conducted on a group of 104 patients from daily units undergoing psychotherapy for anxiety disorders. The used tool was created for the purpose of the study and was named - Sexual Problems Questionnaire; it enabled the diagnosis of subjective feeling of experiencing sexual dysfunctions, symptoms’ importance, their origin and information concerning dealing with them during group and individual psychotherapy.
Results. 99% of the patients declared having at least one sexual dysfunction, three or more were declared by 49%, two by 21,2%, one by 3,8%, no dysfunctions was declared by just one patient. It turned out that 80% of the study participants do not report sexual symptoms during group therapy, almost 80% of women and over 60% of men do not do it during individual consultations.
Conclusions. A practical indication from the study is that there is a need for clinicians to address the issue of sexual functioning in the progress of anxiety oriented psychotherapy.

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