Attitude to pension of people with schizophrenia. The Attitude to Pension Questionnaire and its application. Preliminary report
Introduction: People with schizophrenia usually quickly receive pensions due to their disability. The costs related
to rehabilitation do not translate into the number of patients’ with schizophrenia returns to full professional activity,
and the disease is one of the 4 of generating the highest costs for ZUS (National Social Insurance Institution).
The costs are mainly related to receiving disability benefits due to incapacity to work. The lack of transparent
criteria and procedures in the area of adjudicating the inability to work and certificating disability may affect
the beliefs and behaviors of both — mental health professionals and beneficiaries. The main aim of the study
was find out the opinions of people with schizophrenia about their indications for receiving a pension and to
assess the correlation between the opinions and the sense of self- influence on the course of the disease as well
as insight into the disease.
Material and methods: 65 people diagnosed with schizophrenia participated in the study: 31 women (49.21%)
and 32 men (50.79%), aged 26 to 77 (M = 47.27; SD = 14.07). The vast majority (79.31%) of the respondents
was dependent mainly from disability pensions. The following tools were used in the study: Brief measure to
assess perception of self-influence on the disease course — version for schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Insight
Questionnaire — “My Thoughts and Feelings”, Sociodemographic Questionnaire and Pension Opinion Scale.
Results: A statistically significant negative correlation of moderate strength was established between the right
opinion on the disability pension and the sense of influence on the disease course (r = –0.312, p = 0.012).
The higher the sense of influence on the course of schizophrenia, the lower the accuracy of the assessment of
the correct indications for receiving a pension.
Conclusions: The vast majority of people with schizophrenia are not able to correctly assess the indications for
a pension. The Pension Opinion Scale is a useful research tool.
Keywords: schizophreniapensionattitude to pensionincapacity to workopinon of patients
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