Vol 17, No 5 (2021)
Case report
Published online: 2021-06-10

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Recurrent Her-2 positive occult breast cancer presenting with zosteriform cutaneous metastases: a case report

Mehmet Zahid Kocak1, Murat Araz1, Mustafa Karaagac1, Dilek Caglayan1, Mustafa Korkmaz1, Aykut Demirkiran1
Oncol Clin Pract 2021;17(5):229-231.


Various cutaneous metastasis patterns are described in breast cancer. Zosteriform metastases are rare cutaneous metastases, which appear in a dermatomal distribution. A 66-year woman presented with a 1-month history of nodular lesions on the left posterior hemithorax area. Biopsy was reported as human epidermal growth factor receptor (Her) 2 positive, hormone receptor-negative breast carcinoma metastasis. Dual blockade therapy targeting Her-2 overexpression was initiated for the patient. Treatment response was obtained after 3 cycles. There was a significant improvement in skin lesions. Zosteriform cutaneous metastases can be the early sign of systemic spread and can show an initial response to therapy. Therefore, physicians should perform an exhaustive physical examination including that of skin.

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