Vol 21, No 1 (2018)
Clinical vignette
Published online: 2018-01-30
18F-FDG avid Sclerosing Angiomatoid Nodular Transformation (SANT) of spleen on PET-CT — a rare mimicker of metastasis
Sclerosing Angiomatoid Nodular Transformation (SANT) is a rare benign vascular tumor of spleen. It consists of multiple angiomatoid nodules surrounded by dense fibrous tissue that often coalesces centrally to form a scar, which is considered to be a characteristic feature. These are usually asymptomatic and incidentally detected on imaging for other underlying pathology. SANTs can be 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) avid on positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) and thus can lead to false positive finding in oncological patients.
Keywords: 18FDGPET-CTSclerosing Angiomatoid Nodular TransformationSpleen