Vol 71, No 5 (2021)
Research paper (original)
Published online: 2021-10-13

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Strategies and results of oncofertility counseling in young breast cancer patients

Joanna Kufel-Grabowska12, Piotr Jędrzejczak3, Mikołaj Bartoszkiewicz4, Paweł Burchardt5, Maria Litwiniuk67
Nowotwory. Journal of Oncology 2021;71(5):263-266.


Introduction. Breast cancer (BC) is the most common female neoplasm in Poland and worldwide, yet up to 7% of all cases is diagnosed < 40 years of age. The increased BC morbidity rate in this age group as well as hope for late maternity need special attention.

Material and methods. The data concerning the number of children and further procreation needs in women (n = 68), aged 18–40, diagnosed and treated for early breast cancer at the Greater Poland Cancer Center in 2018–2019, were taken from patients’ histories by an oncologist before (neo-)adjuvant systemic therapy.

Results. Out of the 68 females surveyed, aged 18–40 (median age 36), 14 (21%) were childless at the moment of diagnosis. After being informed about the therapy, prognosis, side effects and oncofertility, 12 patients (18%) decided to have a consultation with a specialist in reproductive medicine; 5 of them (7%) already had children. In 2 women (3%), hormonal stimulation in combination with tamoxifen was used; then, oocytes were collected and cryopreserved. In 19 (28%), gonadotropine analogues were added to (neo-)adjuvant chemotherapy. In 17 patients (25%) pathogenic mutations in BRCA1/2 genes were found.

Conclusions. Oncofertility counseling in young BC patients should be one of the fundamental elements of complex patient care.

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