Vol 71, No 3 (2021)
Review paper
Published online: 2021-02-10

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The role of comprehensive nutritional care in cancer patients

Michał Jankowski12, Anna Qelaj1, Stanisław Kłęk3, Dawid Murawa4, Małgorzata Nartowicz1, Zbigniew Patela, Dorota Mańkowska-Wierzbicka5, Aleksandra Kapała6, Barbara Kuczyńska7, Wojciech Zegarski12
Nowotwory. Journal of Oncology 2021;71(3):158-161.


Cancer patients often have inappropriately low energy intake, exhibit an increased loss of muscle proteins and generalized inflammatory status. Nutritional support aims to reverse these processes. Covering energy requirements is necessary for safety of anti-cancer treatments: radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery. Nutritional support and nutritional status monitoring should be managed at every stage of the disease. Nutritional intervention is most important in malnourished patients. Comprehensive, individualized nutritional care improves the results of treatment in cancer patients. Nutritional therapy is essential in obtaining the best results from anti-cancer treatment; however, it will be effective, if should completely cover nutrient requirements.

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