Vol 65, No 2 (2015)
Case report
Published online: 2015-05-06

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Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of the prostate

Boleslaw Kuzaka, Slawomir Poletajew, Tomasz Borkowski, Jacek Borowski, Piotr Radziszewski
DOI: 10.5603/NJO.2015.0027
Nowotwory. Journal of Oncology 2015;65(2):139-143.


The diagnostic and therapeutic approach to prostatic neurosarcoma, currently known as a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNst) of the prostate, due to its rarity, is not well established. Our presenting case was a 73 year old patient, admitted to the Hospital with suspicion of a prostatic tumor. The patient underwent surgical resection of the described pathological mass. Gross appearance of the pathological examination revealed a yellow-gray colored tumor, 12 × 6 × 7 cm in size. On cross-section: tumor heterogeneity, fatty, yellow-gray, with no foci of necrosis, but with a few cysts of 1–3 cm in size, with a gelatinous substance. Microscopic examination — showed neurosarcoma of the prostate. The patient died at six months follow-up, due to cardiovascular insufficiency.

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