Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Review article
Published online: 2020-05-22

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Material engineering for atopic dermatitis treatment

Karolina Kulig1, Wojciech Rogóż1, Aleksandra Owczarzy1, Agnieszka Szkudlarek1, Małgorzata Maciążek-Jurczyk1
Med Res J 2020;5(2):110-115.


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with a prevalence of 30% for children and to 17% for adults. There is observed an increasing trend of occurring AD over time in the world. Many factors contribute to the development of the disease, such as environmental, genetic and psychological factors. The proper AD treatment should be complexed and consists of skin care with emollients and pharmacological treatment. Most of the topical corticosteroids and other drugs have unpleasant side effects, therefore, developing new therapies is very useful. To minimalize side effects with a simultaneous reduction in the duration, a NPs (nanoparticles) therapy application is highly proposed. On the other hand, hydrogels and their shielding properties with high hydrating level and drug delivery capability are also widely studied. Some works report on the combination of these two solutions with promising results. Material engineering for biomedical applications is a dynamically growing field which offers new drug delivery systems (DDS). In this paper, based on the literature we discuss the new methods of AD treatment using hydrogels and nanotechnology.

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