Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
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Published online: 2018-07-31

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Validation of the Functioning in Chronic Illness Scale (FCIS)

Katarzyna Buszko1, Łukasz Pietrzykowski2, Piotr Michalski2, Agata Kosobucka2, Wioleta Stolarek3, Tomasz Fabiszak4, Aldona Kubica2
Medical Research Journal 2018;3(2):63-69.


Diagnosis of deficient areas in the functioning of patient with chronic disease is necessary to undertake

the adequate therapeutic actions. The aim of the study was to validate a new self-reported questionnaire

for patients with chronic disease assessing the impact of the disease on the patient, the patient’s impact

on the disease and the impact of the disease on patient’s attitudes.

Results: The internal consistency of the questionnaire expressed by a-Cronbach coefficient = 0.855, indicates

its high reliability and homogeneity. The set of 24 items fulfilled the assumption of factor analysis:

the determinant of correlation matrix was 0.001, Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin (K-M-O) statistic was 0.843 and the

Bartlett’ test of sphericity was statistically significant. The factor analysis was conducted using the principal

component analysis with Varimax rotation. The scale and subscale levels were determined based on the

percentiles scale.

Conclusion: The validation procedure revealed that FCIS is a reliable and homogeneous tool to measure

patient’s physical and mental functioning in the chronic illness. The set of items divided into 3 subscales

allows evaluation of: the impact of the disease on the patient, the patient’s impact on the disease and the

impact of the disease on the patient’s attitudes.

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