English Polski
Tom 14, Nr 4 (2021)
Artykuł przeglądowy
Opublikowany online: 2022-02-10

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Wyświetlenia strony 6064
Wyświetlenia/pobrania artykułu 1939
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Eksport do Mediów Społecznościowych

Eksport do Mediów Społecznościowych

Fibrin glues — the current state of knowledge

Paulina Goczyńska1, Joanna Lasocka1, Elżbieta Lachert1
Journal of Transfusion Medicine 2021;14(4):214-224.


Fibrin glue is a two-component biological material obtained as result of extemporaneous preparation of equal volumes of fibrinogen concentrate and thrombin solution. On a mass scale fibrin glue is acquired either commercially by way of plas ma fractionation, or in laboratory setting by chemical precipitation or cryoprecipitate method. Fibrin glue mimics the blood clotting mechanism. Thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin clot, which — due to hemostatic properties contributes to sealing the wound and supporting damaged tissue regeneration. The clot adheres to adjacent tissues, and the structure becomes a natural scaffold for precursor and effector cells as well as hematopoietic growth factors that actively promote wound healing. Fibrin glue has found application as wound sealant mostly for patients with coagulation factor deficiencies and problems with spontaneous wound repair. The material is commonly used i.a. in general surgery (wound sealing or vascular suture ), regenerative surgery (bone implant fixation), plastic surgery (better cosmetic results, prevention of unaesthetic scarring), skin tissue regeneration for burn injury, neurosurgery (prevention of cerebrospinal fluid leak and nerve repair), cardiovascular surgery and stomatology. Fibrin glue embedded with drugs, antibiotics, cytostatic agents or stem cells, may increase the effectiveness of therapy and facilitate targeted delivery of active substances for localized drug release. The aim of the article is to present the current state of knowledge on the methods of preparation and application of fibrin sealants as well as on other possible use in various fields of medicine.

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