Vol 91, No 4 (2020)
Guidelines / Expert consensus
Published online: 2020-04-29

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Polish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics statement on safety measures and performance of ultrasound examinations in obstetrics and gynecology during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

Dariusz Borowski1, Piotr Sieroszewski2, Bartosz Czuba3, Renata Jaczynska4, Kajdy Anna5, Sebastian Kwiatkowski6, Marcin Wiechec7, Agnieszka Nocun8, Piotr Kaczmarek9, Wojciech Cnota3, Marek Pietryga10, Pawel Basta11, Przemyslaw Kosinski12, Michal Pomorski13, Magda Rybak-Krzyszkowska8, Piotr Węgrzyn14, Miroslaw Wielgos12, Mariusz Zimmer13
Pubmed: 32374024
Ginekol Pol 2020;91(4):231-234.


We present recommendations on performance and safety measures of ultrasound examinations in obstetrics and gynecology
during the SARS COV-2 pandemic. The statement was prepared based on the current knowledge on the coronavirus
by the Ultrasound Section of the Polish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. It has to be noted that the presented guidance
is based on limited evidence and is primarily based on experiences published by authors from areas most affected by
the virus thus far, such as China, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Italy. We realize that the pandemic situation is very dynamic.
New data is published every day. Despite the imposed limitations related to the necessity of social distancing, it is crucial
to remember that providing optimal care in safe conditions should remain the primary goal of healthcare providers. We
plan to update the current guidelines as the situation develops.

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