Comparison of Polish and international guidelines on diet supplements in pregnancy — review
Proper nutrition is an important element that determines the course of pregnancy. Unfortunately, the everyday diet is not
always able to cover the increased in pregnancy essential vitamins and minerals requirements. Therefore, pregnant women
often use dietary supplements. This study aimed to compare Polish and international recommendations regarding dietary
supplementation during pregnancy. The Polish Society of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (PSGO) recommends in every
pregnant woman the dietary supplementation of folates, vitamin D and iodine.
Additionally, the benefits of iron supplementation in pregnant women with anemia or at high risk of developing anemia
are also highlighted. In the light of Polish guidelines, the magnesium supplementation is recommended in the condition
of its reduced level in blood. In the case of limited consumption of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), Polish guidelines recommend
in pregnant women’s diet, at least 600 mg of DHA every day. Still, in case of the high risk of premature birth — at
least 1000 mg DHA a day during the entire pregnancy period should be taken.
Keywords: diet supplementsgestationpregnancypolish recommendations
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