Causes and frequency of tocophobia — own experiences
Objectives: The phenomenon of tocophobia (pathological fear of labor) has not been fully explored. Currently, there are no diagnostic criteria that would enable its detection or make it recognizable as a disease entity. The aim of study was to determine the degree of anxiety/tocophobia as well as to learn about and analyze the causes of this phenomenon in Polish pregnant women.
Material and methods: The prospective study included 120 pregnant women in the third trimester of gestation from February to May 2016. The study was performed with the use of a standardized and revised version of the Labor Anxiety Questionnaire (KLP II) designed by Putyński and Paciorek (1997) as well as a proprietary interview questionnaire and structured data documentation form.
Results: In 6.7% of the subjects, the level of labor anxiety was very high (> 18 in KLP II). It was the highest in women over 30 years of age (Pearson’s chi squared test = 0.00422; p < 0.05). It has been shown that successive childbirths have an impact on the degree of anxiety (p = 0.04217).The highest level of anxiety was noted in primiparous women. In 85% of the subjects, anxiety was caused by fear of labor pain. 56.7% of the tested women did not use any professional help in the preparation for childbirth and motherhood.
Conclusions: Primiparas and women over 30 years of age experience very high levels of fear significantly more frequently. The lack of proper preparation for childbirth determines the occurrence of tocophobia. Ante-natal classes and prenatal education based on standards of obstetric care should be promoted in order to reduce or eliminate fear of natural labor.
Keywords: laboranxietytocophobiacausesfrequency
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