Focus and Scope
It is a monthly scientific, peer-review journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in gynecology. The Journal presents original articles, review articles, clinical vignettes, letters to the editor and other papers within the field of gynecology, obstetrics, gynecologic oncology and other, directly related areas.
Peer Review Process
All registered manuscripts undergo preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Office. If the manuscript is prepared against guidelines, is written in poor English and/or addresses non-related topic, it will be rejected without review. If manuscript meets all merit and formal requirements, it is deemed eligible for a review by at least two independent reviewers. Reviewers know the authors' identity (single blind review). The list of Reviewers is announced once a year. The review process should be completed within 2 weeks. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to make the final decision about accepting or rejecting a manuscript and also the right to reject a manuscript if it addresses non-related topics. Also, the Editorial Board (Publisher) reserves the right to edit (style, syntax, terminology, references) and shorten the manuscript without consulting the Authors.
Reviewers’ criteria for manuscripts qualification
- Title reflects the subject undertaken
- Assumptions are proper
- Work of practical nature
- Work of educational nature
- Aims are clearly defined
- Appropriate methodology*
- Ethical criteria fulfilled*
- Research-based work*
- Results are adequately presented*
- Statistical analysis is reliable*
- Discussion refers to results*
- Conclusions based on study findings*
- Conclusions refer to aims*
- Suitably chosen, proper number and up to date references
- Proper length
- All figures and tables are required
- Standard of written English acceptable
* criteria exclusively for research papers
Legal Note
This publication is intended for doctors and students of medicine. Every effort has been made to provide actual information, especially on medicine dosage, however, it is advisable that doctors make final decisions on their usage. This publication is not meant to replace a proper medical diagnosis or therapy. Responsibility taken by authors is suitable for this kind of publication and is not tantamount to responsibility for an individual medical advice.
The publisher has made every effort concerning reliability of the publication and the included information on the assortment, medicines and their prices. Yet the only legal information valid in the Republic of Poland are legal acts and in terms of trade – price offers of drugstores. As far as the information on medicines is concerned, the only lawful information is an updated characteristic of a medicinal substance and its producer’s leaflet.
The authors, consultants and publishers of this publication do not take any responsibility for possible mistakes or harms resulted from the information usage. Any cases of legal claims connected with medicines and chemical substances being under clinical examination are not going to be taken into consideration.
Open Access Policy
Articles published on-line are open access and available under Creative Common Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) allowing to download articles and share them with others as long as they credit the authors and the publisher, but without permission to change them in any way or use them commercially.
Via Medica (Publisher) self-archiving policy establishes that authors can archive only accepted manuscripts including final PDF version and/or 'ahead of print' in any repository. In details, the author may only post their version provided acknowledgment is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Via Medica (Publisher) website. Apart from the link mentioned above, the acknowledgment should be provided with the full bibliographic record with DOI number.