Vol 80, No 3 (2021)
Case report
Published online: 2020-08-14

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Agenesis of the coeliac trunk: a case report and review of the literature

M. Karamanidi1, D. Chrysikos1, A. Samolis1, V. Protogerou1, N. Fourla1, I. Michalis1, G. Papaioannou2, T. Troupis1
Pubmed: 32827311
Folia Morphol 2021;80(3):718-721.


Vascular anatomical variations of the abdomen are very common. Awareness of these variations is of paramount importance in clinical practice mainly in achieving best results in minimal invasive or surgical vascular procedures. From surgical point of view, the preoperative knowledge of vascular anatomy and the relations to the surrounding structures and tissues aims to minimise inadvertent complications. Agenesis of the coeliac trunk is one of the rare anatomical variations of the abdominal aorta. Limited number of cases have been reported in the medical literature, most of which are based on angiographic and cadaveric studies of adult humans. In this paper, we report a case of absence of the coeliac trunk that has been detected as an incidental radiological finding in a female patient who was admitted with abdominal pain.

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