Vol 78, No 3 (2019)
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Published online: 2019-01-24

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The morphological investigations on the heart and some vessels of bovine foetus between the 15th and 25th weeks of gestation

İ. Gürbüz1, Y. Demiraslan1, A. Dursun2, S. Eliş Yıldız3, E. Karadağ Sarı4, Ö. Özgel1
Pubmed: 30687912
Folia Morphol 2019;78(3):524-534.


Background: The aim of this study was to define the morphological and morphometric development of the foetus heart obtained from the domestic cattle in the gestation period of 15–25 weeks.

Materials and methods: For this purpose, a total of 30 hearts belonging to cattle foetuses (15 males, 15 females) were used. The ages of foetuses were calculated according to the forehead-to-tail length and examined in three different groups. After dissection; biometric, macroanatomic, morphometric and histological findings were obtained from the foetal hearts according to the groups. In addition, mean values of the morphometric findings were determined.

Results: As a result of the study, it was found that with the advancing age the convexity of margo ventricularis dexter increased and margo ventricularis sinister transformed from a convex-concave shape to a flat shape. The heart-to-body weight ratio was determined as 0.08% for Group II female foetuses and 0.09% for all other groups. The heart heights for Groups I, II, and III females were identified as 26.21, 41.00, and 46.27 mm, respectively, and for the males 26.45, 34.89, and 47.15 mm, respectively. In the statistical analysis, it was determined that all the morphometric values measured from the heart correlated significantly with the forehead-to-tail length.

Conclusions: The data obtained as a result of the study is thought to help understand the morphological and morphometrical development of the heart, pioneer the attempts to create a foetal cattle heart model, and thus help in the diagnosis of the foetal heart pathologies.acielecka

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