Vol 77, No 1 (2018)
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Published online: 2017-08-18

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Assessment of the orbit morphometry on West Anatolian dry skulls

G. N. Yonguc, N. Gocmen-Mas, F. Aksu, M. Edizer, S. P. Akyer, S. Karabekir
Pubmed: 28832086
Folia Morphol 2018;77(1):105-109.


The orbit is very frequently damaged by traumas which result in not only bone deficits, but also functional deformities if reconstruction is not appropriate. Anatomical exposure of the bony orbit is of importance for both anatomists and surgeons who perform operation on this area. The current study evaluated the group of morphometrical parameters on 74 adult West Anatolian dry skulls and stereological surface area on the dry skull orbits while describing the clinical importance. Surface areas on the orbital base of the skulls were also evaluated using stereological method, bilaterally. Anthropological assessment of orbital base (in terms of width and height) revealed no significant difference between right and left sides. Both width and height of the optic foramen were significantly higher on the right side compared to left. The distances between the margins (medial, lateral, superior, inferior) of the orbital base and the optic foramen were longer on the right side compared to left, except the distances between the lateral margins. There was no significant difference among the subjects between right and left sides with respect to the orbital base in terms of stereological area calculation. The results are significant because there are no recorded anatomical data on West Anatolian skulls at previous researches. (Folia Morphol 2018; 77, 1: 105–109)

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