Vol 76, No 4 (2017)
Case report
Published online: 2017-06-14

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Arteria trigemina primitiva — radiological report of three cases and review of literature

A. Tomalczyk, Z. Kaurzel, W. Szubert, P. Oszukowski
Pubmed: 28653308
Folia Morphol 2017;76(4):757-761.


The main aim of this paper is to present 3 cases of persistent (patent) primitive trigeminal artery incidentally revealed during various radiological examinations. The presence and function of these vessels in extrauterine life is sometimes associated with other vascular abnormalities, e.g. aneurysms, haemangiomas, moyamoya disease, but frequently found incidentally without any negative signs or symptoms. The presented cases of patients with primitive trigeminal artery clearly show that the reported ailments, which had made the diagnostic imagining necessary, were not associated with the patency of this artery.

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