Vol 28, No 1 (2021)
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Published online: 2020-08-07

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Immersive technologies as a solution for general data protection regulation in Europe and impact on the COVID-19 pandemic

Klaudia Proniewska1, Agnieszka Pręgowska2, Damian Dołęga-Dołęgowski1, Dariusz Dudek13
Pubmed: 32789838
Cardiol J 2021;28(1):23-33.


Background: General data protection regulation (GDPR) provides rules according to which data
should be managed and processed in a secure and appropriate way for patient requirements and security.
Currently, everyone in Europe is covered by GDPR. Thus, the medical practice also requires access
to patient data in a safe and secure way.

Holographic technology allows users to see everything visible on a computer screen in a new
and less restricted way, i.e. without the limitations of traditional computers and screens.

In this study, a three-dimensional holographic doctors’ assistant is designed and implemented
in a way that meets the GDPR requirements. The HoloView application, which is tailored to run on
Microsoft HoloLens, is proposed toallow display and access to personal data and so-called sensitive
information of all individual patients without the risk that it will be presented to unauthorized persons.

To enhance the user experience and remain consistent with GSPR, a holographic desk
is proposed that allows displaying patient data and sensitive information only in front of the doctor’s
eyes using mixed reality glasses. Last but not least, it boasts of a reduction in infection risk for the staff
during the COVID-19 pandemic, affording medical care to be carried out by as few doctors as possible.

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