Vol 25, No 6 (2018)
Original articles — Clinical cardiology
Published online: 2018-12-31

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Impact of non-cardiovascular disease burden on thirty-day hospital readmission in heart failure patients

Valentina Kutyifa1, John Rice1, Roy Jones1, Andrew Mathias1, Ayhan Yoruk1, Katherine Vermilye1, Brent Johnson1, Robert Strawderman1, Charles Lowenstein1
Pubmed: 30600831
Cardiol J 2018;25(6):691-700.


Background: Little is known about the impact of non-cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden on 30- -day readmission in heart failure (HF) patients. The aim of the study was to assess the role of non-CVD burden on 30-day readmission in HF patients. \

Methods: We analyzed the effect of non-CVD burden by frequency of ICD-9 code categories on readmis­sions of patients discharged with a primary diagnosis of HF. We first modeled the probability of readmis­sion within 30 days as a function of demographic and clinical covariates in a randomly selected training dataset of the total cohort. Variable selection was carried out using a bootstrap LASSO procedure with 1000 bootstrap samples, the final model was tested on a validation dataset. Adjusted odds ratios and confidence intervals were reported in the validation dataset.

Results: There were a total of 6228 HF hospitalizations, 1523 (24%) with readmission within 30 days of discharge. The strongest predictor for 30-day readmissions was any hospital admission in the prior year (p < 0.001). Cardiovascular risk factors did not enter the final model. However, digestive system diseases increased the risk for readmission by 17% for each diagnosis (p = 0.046), while respiratory diseases and genitourinary diseases showed a trend toward a higher risk of readmission (p = 0.07 and p = 0.09, respectively). Non-CVDs out-competed cardiovascular covariates previously reported to predict readmission.

Conclusions: In patients with HF hospitalization, prior admissions predicted 30-day readmission. Diseases of the digestive system also increase 30-day readmission rates. Assessment of non-CVD burden in HF patients could serve as an important risk marker for 30-day readmissions.

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