Honorary International Editor
Prof. Thomas F. Luscher MD, FRCP

Thomas F. Lüscher, Chairman of the Publications Committee of European Society of Cardiology, rated as one of the 0.5% most cited scientists worldwide by the Institute for Scientific Information has been officially appointed an International Honorary Editor of Cardiology Journal.
Thomas F. Lüscher is Professor and Chairman of Cardiology at the University Hospital Zurich and Director of the Center for Molecular Cardiology at the University Zurich (Campus Schlieren, Wagi-Areal), Switzerland. Professor Lüscher is a clinical and interventional cardiologist with a broad research interest with training in internal medicine at the University Hospital Zurich, cardiovascular physiology and cardiology at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., USA and in cardiology and clinical pharmacology at the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland. Priorly, Professor of Pharmacotherapy at the University of Basel, then Professor and vice-chairman of cardiology at the Inselspital of the University of Bern, Switzerland.
Thomas F. Lüscher is co-editor of the European Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine and serves as a member of many Editorial Boards of scientific journals. Today he holds a position of an editor-in-chief of Cardiovascular Medicine and Editor-in-Chief of the European Heart Journal.
Since 2016 Professor Thomas Luscher has been appointed an International Honorary Editor of the Cardiology Journal.