Vol 17, No 5 (2013)
Published online: 2014-01-24
Ambulatoryjny całodobowy pomiar ciśnienia tętniczego u dzieci
Nadciśnienie tętnicze 2013;17(5):343-350.
Despite the fact that 50 years passed since the first ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), only in recent years ABPM became routine diagnostic and prognostic method in management of arterial hypertension in children. Introducing ABPM as a diagnostic method not only allowed better monitoring of patients with hypertension, but also resulted in a significant change of opinions on the classification of hypertension, principles of monitoring, and also allowed the introduction of new criteria describing the hemodynamic disorders. Although the diagnosis of hypertension and effective antihypertensive therapy is possible using the traditional method of blood pressure measurement, the current recommendations of treatment recommend ABPM as the confirming diagnosis of hypertension before the start of treatment. Both pediatric recommendations of the European Society of Hypertension and American Heart Association, defined the conditions where ABPM is the basic diagnostic and monitoring method. The article discusses the principles of the measurement of blood pressure by ABPM, referential ABPM values, classification of blood pressure status based on the ABPM, the relationship between ABPM results and complications of hypertension and the different uses of ABPM data.
Keywords: ambulatory blood pressure monitoringABPMhypertension in childrenblood pressure rhythmicity