Focus and Scope
"Advances in Palliative Medicine", hereinafter referred to as APM or «the Journal», is a on-line-reviewed journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in palliative medicine and aiming to advance the knowledge and science of this rapidly evolving field. We very much welcome submission of papers from all over the world. We plan to process submitted papers rapidly utilizing online submission and review process as well as providing early online access to the papers ahead of print. The Journal publishes review articles, original clinical and experimental investigations in the field of palliative medicine, case reports, images in palliative medicine, historical notes, letters, book reviews, and editorial comments. Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits (points) may be obtained based on online proof of the knowledge of the content of the issue - more information regarding this option will be provided on the journal’s website. "Advances in Palliative Medicine" is internationally indexed in EMBASE and Index Copernicus. The APM editors endorse the principles embodied in the Helsinki Declaration and expect all research involving humans to be conducted in accordance with these principles. For animal experimentation reported in the Journal, it is expected that investigators will have observed the Interdisciplinary Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research, Testing and Education issued by the New York Academy of Sciences - Ad Hoc Committee on Animal Research. Adherence to these principles should be indicated in the text of manuscript. All human and animal research must have been approved by of the local ethical committee, and this should also be indicated in the manuscript.
Open Access Policy

Czasopismo to zapewnia natychmiastowy otwarty dostęp do treści zgodnie z zasadą, że swobodne udostępnianie artykułów przyczynia się do większej globalnej wymiany wiedzy.
Advances in Palliative Medicine

Advances in Palliative Medicine is a quaternary created by specialists in palliative care. It is addressed to professionals from different branches of medicine who meet terminally ill patients in they daily practice. The journal focuses mainly on education and aims at popularizing palliative medicine – medical speciality recently undergoing dynamic development in Poland Advances in Palliative Medicine contains mainly review papers and selected original papers by Polish authors and reprints of the most interesting foreign publications. Information about medications used in palliative care is published in a special section. In addition the journal notifies of current courses and workshops in the field of palliative medicine.
Advances in Palliative Medicine is indexed at Index Copernicus (4.89), Ministry of Education (6 pts.) EMBASE.
Advances in Palliative Medicine is indexed at Index Copernicus (4.89), Ministry of Education (6 pts.) EMBASE.