Vol 52, No 3 (2021)
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Published online: 2021-06-28

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Current status and achievements of Polish transfusion medicine

Jolanta Antoniewicz-Papis1, Ewa Brojer2, Jadwiga Fabijańska-Mitek3, Agnieszka Gierszon2, Piotr Grabarczyk4, Katarzyna Guz2, Aleksandra Kalińska4, Aneta Kopacz4, Jolanta Korsak5, Elżbieta Lachert1, Magdalena Łętowska1, Patrycja Łopacz2, Bogumiła Michalewska2, Agata Mikołowska1, Jacek Nowak6, Adam Olszewski7, Agnieszka Orzińska2, Monika Pelc-Kłopotowska2, Ryszard Pogłód1, Piotr Radziwon8, Aleksandra Rosiek1, Anna Stachurska-Skrodzka3, Ewa Sulkowska4, Zbigniew M. Szczepiorkowski19, Małgorzata Uhrynowska2, Beata Uszyńska-Kałuża10, Beata Wojciechowska2
Acta Haematol Pol 2021;52(3):147-162.


Transfusion of blood and blood components is one of the widely used medical procedures. The responsibility for provision of blood and blood components lies with Polish blood transfusion centers (CKiK) substantively supervised by the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine. Hospital based blood banks, hospital wards, immunohematology laboratories are supervised by CKiK. Every year approximately 600 thousand people donate blood, more than 75% of which are regular donors. The annual number of donations is maintained at a constant level of about 1.3 million.

The aim of this position paper is to present the current status, achievements and advancement in collection, preparation and testing procedures and methods used to obtain the best possible quality blood components dedicated for clinical use. The aim is also to show the structure of blood transfusion service in Poland. Collaboration of all organizational units involved in transfusion medicine is crucial for providing high quality health care for patients.

Polish transfusiologists and blood transfusion officers have largely contributed to transfusion science with numerous publications and significant research work. The implementation of novel methods and ongoing research positions Polish blood transfusion service among those of highly developed countries.

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