Vol 23, No 4 (2017)
Case report
Published online: 2017-12-28
Perthes syndrome: a pediatric case
DOI: 10.5603/AA.2017.0017
Acta Angiologica 2017;23(4):163-164.
The traumatic asphyxia or Perthes syndrome is uncommon. It is a clinical syndrome associating an ecchymotic mask consisting of cervicofacial cyanosis, petechiae and subconjunctival hemorrhage to neurological and ocu¬lar symptoms. The authors report a pediatric case of 8-year-old boy who was a highway accident victim. He presented a cervicofacial cyanosis, petechiae and immediate massive bilateral sub-conjunctival hemorrhage. The attitude was limited to a clinical monitoring. The decline is twelve months.
Keywords: Perthe’s syndromecervicofacial cyanosishemorrhagechildren
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